The most common soft tissue lesions excised are lipomas. These are non-cancerous growths of fatty tissue which usually present as a slow growing round lesion under the skin. These can present anywhere on the body.
Skin lesions are assessed for worrisome features such as asymmetry, sudden appearance and growth, colour changes, bleeding and sudden change in the nature of a skin lesion that has been “stable” for a period of time.

How is an excisional biopsy done?

For skin lesions and growths, the area may be numbed with a local anaesthetic. If the lesion is deeper into the soft tissue, you may be put under general anaesthetic for the surgery. Dr Aikman will then use a small scalpel to remove a section of skin or lump including the fatty layer beneath it. Your general surgeon will then close the incision with absorbable stitches trying to make the wound as unnoticeable as possible.

What would happen after an excision?

Depending on the lesion and the size of the incision you will be told how to care for the wound after surgery. After Dr Aikman has removed a lesion from the skin or soft tissue, he will send this for histological evaluation. This is done to get a final diagnosis as to the nature of the lesion. If the histological evaluation confirms the lesion to be cancerous, additional surgery might be needed to ensure complete removal of the lesion in all dimensions.